Our Story

There’s something special about the stories heard around a family train set. It’s not just stuff. It’s an heirloom, a legacy.

About the Owner

Matt Pfender - Operator

What do you recall from your childhood of Christmases? I remember waking up and tiptoeing downstairs to a brightly lit tree with all the trains set up around it! It was such a magical time as I spent hours with my family and the trains my dad had set up. Capturing that feeling of wonder and excitement is what I enjoy most as I buy and sell trains in my adulthood. Getting to meet people and hear stories about their train collection brings back warm memories. "Buying and Selling Model Trains" is more than a business for me, it's a part of who I am.

I tell my customers the best way to make money from a train collection is to sell each piece individually, selling on local listings or at places like train shows or eBay can maximize profits. If you don’t want the hassle of selling piece by piece here is where my services come into play.

If you are interested in an easy, painless process, then consider selling your train collection to me. Let’s face it. Not everyone has time to deal with cataloging, listing, packing, shipping, and answering endless questions about each item. While it is true that there is more money to be made, you must consider what your time is worth. If you’d like help making room in your attic, basement, or garage, please contact me for a fair offer on your collection today!